2.1.4. Monitoring and Notifying enabler Introduction

This enabler could be viewed as a general purpose by representing it as a combination of high-level monitoring module (which would allow to monitor devices, logs, etc.) and notifying module that could send custom messages to predefined system components.

NOTE: This enabler started with different technologies and approcah and was refactored in the duration of the project. Both implementations are documented and can be accessed through the corresponding GitHub repository. Features

The monitoring and notifying enabler has the following functionalities:

  • Monitor the uninterrupted functionality of edge devices

  • Create a notification when an unexpected incident occurs

  • Common interfaces for quering log-data and notifications

The web service performs Cronjob to automatically check the health of endpoints in the registry and post any unreachable endpoints to the DLT distributed broker enabler. The health check can also be done on demand via the API. Place in architecture

The monitoring and notifying enabler is part of the vertical plane enablers Self-*. It is directly connected to the Edge Data Broker Enabler by subscribing to its topics.

Monitoring and notifying architecture User guide

The enabler has the following API endpoints.




Payload (if needed)

Response format



Ping all devices in registry

No payload

List of devices with health information in json array format



Ping all gateways in registry

No payload

List of gateways with health information in json array format



Get all devices in the registry

No payload

List of all the devices in json array format



Get all the gateways in the registry

No payload

List of all the gateways in json array format



Get all alive devices in the registry

No payload

List of alive devices in json array format



Get all alive gateways in the registry

No payload

List of alive gateways in json array format



Add new device/gateway in the registry

Described below

Json with device / gateway information



Remove a device from the registry

No payload

Json with the id of the device deleted



Remove a gateway from the registry

No payload

Json with the id of the gateway deleted

For the post request the payload is:

  "type": "String",
  "endpoint": "String",

You can also check the API documentation at: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/25916089/2s9YXh4MqF Prerequisites

  • Kubernetes cluster

  • Docker

  • kubectl

  • Helm Installation Installing the new chart

cd monitoring
helm install monitoring . Installing the old chart (Deprecated)


cd Zookeeper-Chart

$ helm install myzookeeper . --set auth.enabled=false --set allowAnonymousLogin=true
  • In your terminal you will see: Zookeeper can be accessed via port 2181 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:

  • And the above is your <ZOOKEEPER_SERVICE_NAME>


$cd Kafka-Chart

$ helm install mykafka . --set externalZookeeper.servers=<ZOOKEPER_SERVICE_NAME>  \
--set externalAccess.service.type=NodePort \
--set externalAccess.service.nodePorts[0]=30910 \
--set externalAccess.enabled=true \
--set externalAccess.service.domain=<NODE_IP>
  • In your terminal you will see: Kafka can be accessed via port 9092 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:

  • And the above is your <KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME> Testing the deployment:

In order to test the deployment we are going to create a topic and test if producers/consumers can exchange messages both inside the k8s cluster and from outside as well.

Create a topic

  • Create a topic named mytopic using the commands below. Replace the KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME placeholder with the one mentioned above.

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=kafka,app.kubernetes.io/instance=mykafka,app.kubernetes.io/component=kafka" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")

kubectl --namespace default exec -it $POD_NAME -- kafka-topics.sh --create --bootstrap-server <KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME>:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic mytopic

Create a producer/consumer inside the cluster

  • Start a Kafka message consumer. This consumer will connect to the cluster and retrieve and display messages as they are published to the mytopic topic. Replace the KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME placeholder with the one mentioned above. (If you are in the same terminal you created the topic then ignore the first line).

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=kafka,app.kubernetes.io/instance=mykafka,app.kubernetes.io/component=kafka" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")

kubectl --namespace default exec -it $POD_NAME -- kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server <KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME>:9092 --topic <TOPIC_NAME> --consumer.config /opt/bitnami/kafka/config/consumer.properties

Using a different console, start a Kafka message producer and produce some messages by running the command below and then entering some messages, each on a separate line. Replace the KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME placeholder with the one mentioned above.

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=kafka,app.kubernetes.io/instance=mykafka,app.kubernetes.io/component=kafka" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")

kubectl --namespace default exec -it $POD_NAME -- kafka-console-producer.sh --bootstrap-server <KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME>:9092 --topic <TOPIC_NAME> --producer.config /opt/bitnami/kafka/config/producer.properties Run the custom producer outside the cluster and the custom consumer inside the cluster

Assuming we have an IoT or Edge device outside the k8s cluster we create a virtual temperature generator with the following assumptions:

  • The device generates temperatures between (1, 30) degrees Celsius in fixed 1sec time intervals (normal distribution).

  • If the temperature published by the producer exceeds 20°C, the consumer produces a warning that the temperature is high.

  • If the temperature published by the producer exceeds 27°C, the producer stops for the sake of not looping forever.

Assuming that we can create the consumer in the form of a “dashboard” that exists in the cluster, so we can constantly watch the temperatures generated, as well as the warnings, we run the following commands:

cd consumer

helm install myconsumer .

In order to be able to watch what the logs of the consumer we run in the terminal:

kubectl get pods

kubectl logs -f <POD_NAME>

Where <POD_NAME> is the name of the pod created. Copy it from the first command.

In order to create the custom temperature producer outside the cluster we need to have java installed. In a new terminal type:

sudo apt install default-jdk

Verify the installation:

java -version

Then run:

java -jar <PATH_TO_FILE>/TempGenK8s.jar Configuration options New configuration options





Port that the server listens to



The URL that the swagger UI runs


The URL of the distributed broker

http://broker-dltbroker-api:9899/api/DLTbroker/insert Old configuration options (Deprecated)





Broker adress and port



Group of devices the consumer belongs



Topic to subscribe

“device1”, “device2”


Threshold value to produce notifications

“20” Developer guide

Note: The value of the “status” field of the endpoints in the registry is either “alive” or “unreachable” (see response of GET get all gateways/devices ) ie the status field has the same value (“unreachable”) for both offline (unreachable) and not known (non existent) endpoints (urls). The difference between the two is visible in the responses of ping device/gateway - post alive. Only offline endpoints are posted to the DLT. Version control and release

Version 0.1.0. Fully functional and able to retrieve all data even if the cluster fails. License

Monitoring and notifying enabler is under BSD 3-Clause “New” or “Revised” License. Notice(dependencies)

ASSIST-IoT - Architecture for Scalable, Self-*, human-centric, Intelligent, Se-cure, and Tactile next generation IoT

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 957258.

The software included is: